Monday, June 28, 2010


Hey again!

Well, a while ago I posted a blog titled "Street Fighter 4 to me" and basically in that blog I wrote about many of my weaknesses in that game. Since Super came out in April, I guess I should update my top 3 favorite characters again and also write a little bit about what I like about each one of them!

My top 3 favorite picks!

1. Balrog - Look man, I am a dedicated woman Rofl! I feel like if I stop using Balrog then I am abandoning him. I have used him for over a year and it would be sad if I stopped all of a sudden. Everything for him is pretty much the same, except he does less damage (BOOOO)! Also, I think that his new ultra "the dirty bull" is complete ASS ASS ASS ASS ASS! I am still trying to do combos with him but hopefully when I finally purchase the game and everything, then I will get more practice in with him :)

2. Ibuki - Gosh! I absolutely love her! She is so fun and her mix ups are awesome. I know she has a "vortex" but I have not yet practiced enough with her to be good at that "vortex". Hell, I don't even know half her combos yet! The down side to her is her low health. She has a super jump which is pretty cool. I have a hard time doing her cross up kunais but that is because I have yet to really learn her. She is pretty awesome though!! "IBUKI ON THE SCENE!"

3. Cammy - I have fallen in love with Cammy. She has low life like Ibuki but she still does a really decent amount of damage and stun on her opponents. Plus, after seeing all the flashy combos and links she has... man is this character on fire. I can't really say much about her seeing as to how I have only tried her one time. But I am excited to dabble with her a little more and learn more insight about her in the future!

Overall, when SSF4 came out I was kind of irritated because to me it was like learning a whole new game. Many of the "mechanics" of this game is different than the last one. I am still learning about new ultras and also about new cross ups and mix ups. It is definitely a challenge for me to remember this stuff because I don't get to play that often, but I am really looking forward to purchasing the game soon and actually getting a decent amount of practice in. I like to push my skills to the limit in anything I do! I hope everyone else is enjoying the new game as well!

Align Right


Hey everybody!
It just popped into my mind the one thing that I have yet to write about, and that is the topic of female tournaments. Many people are against the idea of having a girls tournament. Most of their concerns are that these kind of events are sexist or degrading against women.

Coming from my personal experience and perspective on this issue; seeing as to how I happen to be a girl and I happen to have played a few times in tournaments (including ladies of sf4)... I must say that I disagree with the ideas that these events pose a negative impact on society and the gaming industry. In my opinion, it is fair that girls get to play other girls because there are not that many females who really take Sf4 seriously and compete and practice like the majority of the men out there. It is not sexist or disrespectful to put these women in the same room together and give them a chance to show each other their skills and abilities. Many people are saying that it is a "sideshow" or these events are for "attention". I agree to some degree that they may be for some attention but to be honest with everyone, it doesn't matter what day in age it is, a woman playing a game competitively OR being GOOD at that game has always been a spectacle. It just proves that society has labeled it as that and that men have always been the gender to dominate this industry.

Girls have makeup, clothes, etc. And many guys play video games. Before I was introduced into this scene I thought that it was somewhere nerds hang out and I did not want any part to do with it. But after meeting all these great people through gaming, I stopped being so ignorant and opened up my world to the gaming industry.

I think it is a great opportunity for the women who are entering this years Evo female tournament. It is awesome that they get to experience playing firsthand on a huge stage with thousands of people witnessing their skills. Not many people get to say that they played at Evo in front of everyone. That is a big deal to me. Of course I will not be playing :( It is too much pressure for me! But good luck to the ladies who do enter this year!

All in all, female tournaments give more opportunities to the girls who just want to experience a taste of what it is like to game professionally or competitively. I would understand if females were never allowed to compete with guys and only allowed to compete amongst other women; THEN I would say it is degrading and all that stuff... but seeing as to how these events are just an extra BONUS on top of the regular tournaments, there is no harm in them whatsoever.

Thanks for reading!


Friday, June 18, 2010

Farewell Fedex Fight Nights Party

Howdy ya'll!
So yesterday night was very eventful. After attending the last day of E3 (awesome stuff), Keno and I ventured on to Huntington Beach to attend the farewell party to the Fedex Fight Nights. It was the first and last one that we went to :( I personally thought that it was really nice and chill. It was not a huge event so I was quite comfortable and I had seats to choose from... normally I have to stand the whole time! The event was thrown at the Huntington Beach Hotel and it was basically just casuals and then a SSF4 tournament. I am proud to say that I entered! Entering tournaments is definitely something that I rarely do! I did not win not one match but I am still proud of myself. There were snacks and beverages at the room so it was all really nice. I had a fun time playing matches and just talking to all of my good friends. I also met some new people. HEY GEORGE! HE was the person who really threw this event for everyone. Sad but true, Fedex Fight Nights are over... but I am glad that it went out with a big bang! We even got goodie bags! I LOVE GOODIE BAGS! We got really nice t-shirts and cute mini water bottles that were designed for Fedex Fight Nights! It was adorable... I am currently wearing the shirt right now. The small in male size is still pretty big but I love it! I hope that eventually this event will start somewhere new... I fully support the cause and the people who threw it!

Love Teresa!